Guwahati Planetarium:
Guwahati Planetarium is situated in the M.G. Road, Guwahati, just adjacent to Guwahati High Court and in front of the Latasil Play Ground.
The Campus is situated at:
1 Km from Guwahati Railway Station.
21 Km from LokapriyaGopinathBordoloi International (LGBI) Airport.
Jorhat Science centre and Planetarium:
The Jorhat Science Centre and Planetarium has been set up by Science & Technology Department, Govt. of Assam in collaboration with National Council of Science Museum. The project was entrusted to ASTEC and completed by 2013 and is functional. the Centre is equipped with science exhibits and planetarium show.
Aryabhatta Science Centre:
The Science and Technology Division of Assam Science Technology & Environment Council had set up 219 number of Aryabhatta Science Centre in 219 development blocks of the state. The project is supported by Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of Assam. The first batch of the centres were launched on 28th February, 2008, the day of National Science Day by then Hon’ble Minister of Science and Technology, Govt. of Assam.
Click here to know more about the Aryabhatta Science Centres
Radio Astronomy Centre:
The Radio Astronomy Centre is a joint project of ASTE Council with Cotton College, Guwahati and has been functioning at the department of Physics, Cotton College with Prof. A. K. Goswami as a Principal Coordinator of the project. Under the project, solar flux values in the S-band around 2.8 GHz by a 2-metre solar tracking Radio Telescope is being recorded. The scientists, researchers and students associated with the centre have been participating in a number of training, workshop on basic astrophysics, radio astronomy and mm wave propagation organized and held at Eastern Centre for Radio Astronomy (ECRA), Kolkata to enhance knowledge and capability. The present system of data acquisition is based on chart recorder, which is slow and lack accuracy. The system is being upgraded with computer-based data logging techniques in the digital form. This is the only facility of solar radio astronomy in the north east region of India with ample scope of research and application-oriented activity. The solar radio data recorded by the centre are being analyzed in consultation with the Eastern Centre for Radio Astronomy, Kolkata.
Data collection in S-band done by the centre would be used for study and assessment of the following phenomena. Intensity of ultra violet radio emission, flair cycle variation, co-relation between sunspot number and the flair intensity, temperature of the different layers of the sun, intensity variation of the recorded data depending on atmospheric situation, absorption co-efficient of atmosphere, determination of time of corresponding flair and its phases, determination of intensity variation of the flair during a year, detection of solar burst, the co-relation between solar flair and solar burst.